Which Type of Commode is Best

Which Type of Commode is Best
In modern medical care facilities, you can always find a commode standing by. An old age home or a care home for disabled people will often have these around. They work magic for people who have suffered from any form of disablement that prevents them from going to the bathroom on their own.
It would be a harsh thing for someone to have to be carried to the toilet every time they needed to go. Instead, with a commode, you can bring the toilet to them. In short, it is a portable freestanding toilet. It is designed primarily for disabled people or people who simply cannot take care of themselves anymore. With this invention, many people can safely use the toilet without the danger of having to transport them to the bathroom.
A commode was an ancient Victorian type of cabinet that normally contained a drop pot of some sort. The term was largely associated with this type of woodware but has recently been coined as a term for a restroom of a toilet. The true sense of the word refers to a portable toilet that can be carted around for convenience’s sake. If you walked into a 20th century home in the USA and used the term commode they would think of that and toilet interchangeably.
I’ve taken a look at some of the best Woodridge Toilet reviews as far as commodes go, and have come up with some valuable information regarding these toilets, that is important for anyone who is looking for one.
What is a Commode?
As mentioned previously a commode is a type of portable freestanding toilet. It is not a port-a-potty or public portable restroom. It has no covers or walls, instead, it looks more like a walking aid with a seat. It has a steel frame with curved legs that form a sort of table-like piece of equipment. It has four legs that can be adjusted to any height depending on the need of the person using it.
It has rubber floor guards similar to those found on a walking crutch. This prevents the unit from sliding around on slippery floors, making it very safe to use on an open floor with no attachment to a wall or support structure. The legs are connected with two cross beam that provides the base for the seat and back. The seat and back are similar to that found on a normal toilet and are placed in between the front and back cross beams. The seat has a bucket or pot-like vessel that is attached to the seat underneath to catch all the waste. The container can then be detached to dispose of the waste and to sanitize.
Which Type of Commode is Best?
To decide which commode is most suitable for your requirements, you need to determine what is most important.
Padding and Cushioning
If it is comfortability that you’re looking for because the commode will be used for long periods, then you’ll want to get a heavy-duty padded version. The padded version is cushioned on the seat and arms of the commode. Some might even include padding on the back of the chair which increases the overall comfort of the commode.
The padding should be made from a strong durable type of material, like foam rubber or memory foam, otherwise, the cushioning deteriorates quickly. The padding should be covered with leather to make sure that the foam stays dry and away from the potential risk of damage. If a water-resistant covering is not used then sometimes the padding can get wet and start to rot the foam which will eventually end up rendering the commode uncomfortable.
Type of materials used
It is also important to check the type of steel used to make the commode. Stainless steel or galvanized steel is a great option to have when looking for a strong frame and tough chair support. The benefit of stainless steel is the resistance it has to corrosion and rust. If the frame is not made from stainless steel then it begins to look very unappealing and can prevent the legs from being adjustable anymore. If the steel is stainless then you won’t have to worry about those factors and it will make it easy to maintain over a longer timeframe. The commode will need to be cleaned very regularly and so it’s a no-brainer to make sure that you save yourself trouble in this way.
Weight Capacity
Another important consideration is the weight capacity of the commode. It needs to be able to support the full weight of the person who is going to be using it plus extra weight. The commode’s weakest point is in the center of the frame where the cross beams are connected and where the seat is located. If these joints are not welded correctly or are not one continuous piece of steel then the chances are that the frame won’t be able to take anything more than 190lbs. So for larger males, it is imperative that you check to see that the specifications on the Woodbridge toilet review confirm that the weight capacity is sufficient.
The frame is most probably made with a high tension design network meaning that it can take a lot more weight than is specified on the box of the item, however, this key feature should be double-checked to ensure the safety of the person using the device.
Bucket Removal
The one factor that will help the people who are involved in the caring side of things is how easy the pail or bucket is to remove and clean. It can either be taken out through the front of the commode, sliding back and forth for entry and exit, or it can be removed downwards. The easiest one would be the side removal because it is easier to slide out than having to bend over to reach underneath, unlock it and remove it.
Some commodes come with a pail that holds water on top of it, similar to the bowl that you would find in a regular toilet. This might seem more normal for some, or strange for others. There are many types of dry pail commodes that include no water in the system, it comes with a shallow pail as well as sanitizing equipment.
When disposing of commode waste, you might find it a lot easier to work with pail liners. These are like plastic bags that can be inserted on the inside of the bucket and after use can be removed easily without much work needed. The only thing to consider here is that these liners are quite expensive to buy consistently but other than that they are a great asset to have on hand.
If you think that it would be easier to get a commode without arms for any reason there are some options of this sort available. The disadvantage of having arms is that there is less room to spare in case of emergency. However, this is not normally a problem, and in fact, having arms on the commode adds extra support for the user, which will give them peace of mind. You might want padded arms or unpadded, whichever the case the arms will have added benefit for the person using the device.
It is possible to get a commode with wheels, and in so doing, you allow the person to be moved around in it as well, just like a wheelchair. It gives the device more functionality compared to a stationary one. The wheels can come as removable in the case that you would like to remove them for a solid-state commode.
On top of that, many commodes are fixed frame in build, but you can get a folding version whereby all the arms and legs of the commode can fold neatly allowing for simple and space-efficient storage. The only concern with folding commodes is that they tend to be slightly weaker than a fixed frame because of all the moving joints.
Repairs and Maintenance
If you ever run into trouble with a seat breaking or a bucket breaking, then parts from Woodbridge are readily available to ship anywhere. The type of seat that would be replacing the old one needs to fit the same specifications as the old one as well, otherwise, it won’t fit. Sometimes plastic seat crack and so if you ever have to replace a seat or seatback then it might be a good idea to swap it for wooden type next; these are stronger but don’t normally have the option to add padding. The plastic-type of pails are also prone to damage so if you have to replace them then go for a tin bucket or one that is stainless steel.
Other key features
If you are thinking of getting a commode with wheels then a great idea in terms of how it gets used is to place the person on the commode with no pail attached and then move them over to a normal toilet, in which case there will be no need for disposal and sanitizing after use, however, it might still be a good idea to wipe everything down once a day.
Naturally, a worry might be the odor that will be generated from the commode. This can become quite an uncomfortable thing to deal with overtime, so a great thing to use to get rid of any odor is pet enzyme. It kills all the bacteria and microbes for a more hygienic and safe environment, as well as killing any odor associated.
Commodes are not only used for people who have disabilities per se, it can be used by people who have been in sporting accidents, or for those who have had hip replacements or knee replacements, and for the short term, struggle to move around easily. Hospitals or charities will always be on the lookout for any commodes they can get their hands on, so if you have recovered from an injury or operation then by all means give it away to a charity that would gratefully accept it.
Final Thoughts
Whether it is your elderly parents or grandma or yourself that needs a commode or something on the sort, then these Woodbridge toilet reviews should be a great help. We hope that you will be able to choose something that not only does the job well but something that lets you sleep soundly at night.
It’s never a nice thing to have to go through surgery or to have a parent who can’t take care of themself, and the many days of hassle and discomfort that come with are exhausting. So do yourself a massive favor and get a device that will remove some of the worries and stress you have. It might cost you a few bucks but the lasting benefits will be tens times greater than the price.
These useful pieces of equipment might save you so many headaches and back spasms, and if it’s for you then it will give you so much confidence and comfort in a time of need like you can’t even believe. There are of course precautions that you should still take with these devices because there is still a chance of something unexpected happening, but if you’re careful then you have absolutely nothing to worry about at all.
A little story
A young kid who had been disabled for a long time, right from a young age, grew up being completely dependant on other people in his life to keep him alive. Without them, he wouldn’t have lasted more than a couple of days, and so as time passed he became unable to fathom the idea of being alone. He had given up on any hopes of independence until one day his father walked in with a commode and said its time to stand on your own two feet. At first, it was terrifying but through courage and perseverance, he eventually learned to use more of his muscles and connected his mind to certain movements. Being able to use the toilet on his own was the initial step in giving him enough hope and confidence to awaken his mind to the possibility of having a life of value. Now, Benjamin is happy, confident, and hopeful, and even though he will never walk it is enough to say that he is standing on his own.