How To Clean Cast Aluminum Cookware

People love cooking with cast aluminum cookware for a lot of reasons. Being durable, versatile, and lightweight are some of the reasons. But no kitchen appliance will last longer if you don’t know the proper ways of using, cleaning, and maintaining it.
Therefore, to take full advantage of a cast aluminum cookware and let it last longer, you need to know how to clean a cast aluminum cookware properly.
However, you don’t need to worry anymore as this article will cover 4 effective ways to clean a cast aluminum cookware. Let’s check them out!
Four Ways to Clean a Cast Aluminum Cookware
Here you go with 4 amazing ways to clean a cast aluminum cookware.
Using Household Ingredients
This is one of the easiest and effective methods of cleaning a cast aluminum cookware. What you are going to need is to get 4 cups of water and 3 tablespoons of cream of tartar, then boil the cookware in the solution of water and tartar.
You can either mix the items in a pot and submerge the cookware in the solution, or simply boil the solution in your cookware. To sum things up, here’s what you can do.
Take the solution and boil it on medium-high heat for approximately 15 minutes. Once done, remove that solution. Now, let the aluminum item cool. If you find it necessary, you can also scrub the cookware. Being acidic, the cream of tartar helps greatly to scrub and remove any dark spot on the pan.
Worth keeping in mind that you need to scrub the pan using a non-abrasive pad or simply a soft toothbrush. Also, scrub it gently in a circular motion. Avoid scrubbing too hard otherwise it may damage the surface of your cookware.
Another effective way is to use lemon juice and water to clean your cast aluminum cookware. But in this case, you need to be extra careful because excessive use of lemon juice can damage the surface of a cast aluminum cookware.
To go through this way, dilute either equal parts water and vinegar or four parts of water and only one part lemon juice. You can also use other acidic products (e.g apple cider vinegar) to do the same task. Just remember one thing, if you use apple cider vinegar, dilute it with water before you soak the cast aluminum cookware in it.
Using an Oven Cleaner
Do you have access to a self-cleaning oven? If you do, then here’s another easy option to clean your cast aluminum cookware well. All you have to do is to place the cookware in your oven and leave it running through a short cycle like for an hour.
The high level of temperature in your oven will help to turn the residue into powders that you can easily rinse off after getting your cookware out of the oven.
But remember one thing, you need to remove every non-aluminum component (e.g any wooden or steel part like a handle or a screw) on the cookware, otherwise, the high temperature may damage the components.
Using a Commercial Cleaning Product
If you neither want to use natural ingredients nor an oven cleaner, then you can use a commercial cleaning product (e.g a dissolver spray) to clean your cast aluminum cookware.
You will easily find a good dissolver spray in the cleaning passage of any hardware store. Once you purchase one, apply the spray on your cast aluminum cookware and wait for 30 minutes letting the spray sit well.
It will help loosening residue in the cookware. You can use a soft-bristled brush or a non-abrasive pad for scrubbing purposes. But do scrub gently to avoid any damage to your cookware.
Using a Mild Detergent and Water
You also can do the job using only a mild detergent and water. Just dilute the detergent in water (just for making sure that it’s not too harsh on your cast aluminum cookware).
To go through this way, dilute either equal parts water and vinegar or four parts of water and only one part lemon juice. You can also use other acidic products (e.g apple cider vinegar) to do the same task. Just remember one thing, if you use apple cider vinegar, dilute it with water before you soak the cast aluminum cookware in it.
Now, you can simply dip a non-abrasive pad or a soft-bristled toothbrush for scrubbing off any kind of dirt or residue on the cookware. And, as always, do the scrubbing so gently that it doesn’t damage your cookware.
Additional Tips to Maintain a Cast Aluminum Cookware
To last long your cast aluminum cookware, nothing can beat the importance of properly using and maintaining the appliance. Make sure you clean and maintain it regularly, and you’ll face less struggle in the future.
For making your path easier, here are some important maintenance factors you should never forget.
Store it Properly for Winter
Follow the proper ways to store your cast aluminum cookware for winter.
Perfect cleaning will help to maintain it well. This is one of the easiest and effective methods of cleaning a cast aluminum cookware.
It also helps to prevent building up any corrosive pollutants on your cookware’s surface throughout the winter.
To take the maintenance one step ahead, you can use a cover (made of a breathable material) to cover and protect your cookware when it is stored away.
Clean the Cookware Right After Using it
For preserving the finish of your cookware, you need to wash it as quickly as possible once it’s used.
Do not let the cookware sit out with dirt or residue on it for a long time.
Worth keeping in mind that you need to scrub the pan using a non-abrasive pad or simply a soft toothbrush. Also, scrub it gently in a circular motion. Avoid scrubbing too hard otherwise it may damage the surface of your cookware.
To remove the dirt easily, you can soak the cookware in the cream of tartar or in any natural solution for a few minutes.
Troubleshoot any Wrapped Area on Your Cookware
The most common issue with a cast aluminum cookware is, improper cooling or heating can lead to wraps, deformities, or dents on it. But you can fix this issue using a piece of wood and a hammer.
If you notice a wrapped bottom of your cast aluminum cookware, get a towel and lay it out on a sturdy and flat surface. Now, keep the cookware upside down on the towel.
Now, get a scrap piece of wood or a woodblock and place it over the middle position of the wrap (e.g a 1×4” a 2×4” block). In this case, softwoods like pine work great.
Lastly, tap over the woodblock using the hammer and do it carefully and slowly to flatten out that wrap. Do not make any hard, sharp blows on the wood that may lead to further wrapping.
Use the Right Utensils
If you are sure that you are using exceptionally durable cookware where metal utensils will not affect the pan, still, you should use plastic, silicon, or woody utensils on any non-stick surface.
Take Care of the Glass Covers and Lids
If your cast aluminum cookware comes with a glass cover, you should not place the cover in an oven or toaster or under a broiler.
You can either mix the items in a pot and submerge the cookware in the solution, or simply boil the solution in your cookware.
To sum things up, here’s what you can do.
Otherwise, the heat may weaken the lid or cover.
Also, be careful enough not to strike your glass cover during cooking or storing.
So, we are at the end of our discussion. Hopefully, you are no longer confused how to clean cast aluminum cookware as we explained some amazing ways right here.
Cast aluminum cookware is easy to use and maintain. If you stay careful from the very beginning, you will face less struggle (with the repair or replace it) in the future.
So, try your best to use and maintain it properly. Good luck!