Complete Guideline to Create a Beautiful Flower Garden

Types of Flowers to Create that Beautiful Flower Garden
Complete guidelines to create a beautiful flower garden. There are many types of flowers to help you create a beautiful garden. From spring onwards, many plants and shrubs come into bloom and will provide you with some excellent colors for the garden.
During the winter/fall season, there are also some splendid flowers you can grow to give color to the garden when most other plants are dormant. Winter flowering viburnums are a good example and they are also fragrant too.
There are also flowers that are suitable for most planting situations in the garden including shaded or dry areas. The flower guide topic (below) will help you choose the best plants to grow for different situations in the garden.
Many types of flowers are very easy to grow and are pretty low maintenance. Some can also be fragrant like honeysuckle, sweetpeas, and cytisus which is an added bonus.
To make things helpful and easy, the topics below have been created to help you with some ideas on which flowers to grow, the flowering times of the year for different plants and various flower colors, etc.
Perennial Plants
Flowering herbaceous perennials are types of flowering plants in which the stems and foliage of the plant die back to ground level or just above the end of the growing season. The roots, tubers or bulb of the plant remain alive during the dormant period. At the start of the next growing season, new shoots and stems grow from ground level.
Annual Flowers
Annual flowers are flowering plants that usually only have one growing season. They normally germinate, flower, then die within that single season and are generally not frost-hardy. Annuals are colorful and are excellent for container gardening, flower beds, and patio pots.
Flowering Shrubs and Trees
There are lots of beautiful flowering shrubs and trees of all different colors and sizes that are great for garden color. Various shrubs and trees flower at different times of the year. With a little simple planning, you can create a garden color for most of the year.
Winter Flowers
At the time of year when the garden is bare, there are various plants that come into bloom. These provide the garden with some lovely winter flowers when most other plants, shrubs, and trees are dormant.
Flower Guide
This list of types of flowers has been created to give you some help to find out more about various different flowers, including the colors and times of the year they flower. The flower guide includes a mixture of perennials, annuals, shrubs, and trees.
Flowering Perennial Plants for the Garden
Flowering perennial plants are a great asset to the garden and a good selection of them have beautiful flowers, some of which are my favorites. You can grow perennials to complement shrubs in a mixed border, or many gardeners choose to devote an entire flower bed to just growing perennial flowers.
When growing perennial plants in a mixed shrub border, the best planting situation is the middle and front areas of the flowerbed. Many shrubs are larger in size and will hide any smaller perennials from view if they are planted at the back of a border.
If your flowerbed is perennial plants only, try to plant the larger growing perennials at the back of the border with the smaller varieties at the front. This way, all plants will be visible and they will give a stunning display when in flower.
If you decide to some grow perennials in a mixed shrub border, its a good idea to give the plants ample space away from shrubs, trees or hedges. Shrub and tree roots can take nutrients out of the soil and their large foliage can overgrow and block out light which will prevent your perennials from growing.
As you prepare your perennial plant’s planting area, as with most aspects of planting, a good application of compost, peat, or well-rotted manure dug into the flower border is ideal to improve the soil.
This will give the plants the head start they need. A dressing of granular slow-release fertilizer at the correct application rate can also help with poor soils.
To plant your perennial, simply ease the plant out of the pot. If the plant is root bound, carefully tease and loosen the roots to encourage new root growth when it is planted. Dig a hole larger than the rootball and position the plant in the center of the hole. Backfill and return the soil around your plant. Lightly firm in water.
During the dormant season, when pruning perennial plants, simply cut the dead flower heads and stems right hardback to allow the fresh new stems to grow.
Some gardeners prefer to leave the dead foliage on the plant over the winter months to protect the roots or tubers from the frost.
During the growing season, keep an eye out for any weeds that grow between the plants. The taller varieties often need staking and support of garden twine to stop wind damage.
Here a List of Some Decorative Flowering Perennials for the Garden:-
Decorative yellow, white or pink cluster flowers. Approx 1 -3ft in height. Enjoys the full sun or semi-shade. Flowers early mid-summer.
Daisy-like the flower various different colors. Late summer flowering. 1 – 4ft height. Full sun or semi-shade.
White, red and pink feather-like flowers. Flowers early to mid-summer. Full sun or semi-shade. 2 – 4ft height.
Various different colors. Flowers early summer. Sunny position. 1-3ft in height.
Blue, purple or white bell-shaped flowers. 6 inches – 2ft in height. Summer flowering.
Mainly blue, white or violet in color. Midsummer flowering. 3 – 5ft in height.
Dicentra(Bleeding heart)
Pink or white heart-shaped pretty flowers. Early summer flowering. Will grow in shade or part shade. Up to 4ft in height.
Beautiful large flowers, various different colors. Sunny position. 1-4ft in height.
Decorative ball-shaped flowers. Full sun or semi-shade. Summer flowering. Height 2 – 4ft.
Small, mainly white dainty flowers. Mid to late summer. Full sun. 2 – 3ft in height.
Lobelia cardinal
Decorative red or blue flowers. Midsummer flowering. Full sun or semi-shade.
Orange or red flowers. Full sun or semi-shade. Up to 2ft in height. Summer flowering.
White, blue or pinkish flowers. Sunny position or semi-shade. 1 – 2ft in height.
Decorative tube-like flowers Mainly lilac or pink flowers. Midsummer flowering. Sunny position.
Large decorative flowers, mainly pink or red. Full sun or semi-shade 1- 3ft in height. Beautiful perennial plants.
Very decorative. Many colors. Summer and late summer flowering. Height 2-4 ft.
Rudbeckia(Black-eyed Susan)
Yellow flowers with a dark center. Full sunny position. Midsummer flowering.3ft approx in height.
Light or dark pink pretty flowers. Enjoys the full sun. Up to 2ft in height Late summer flowering.
(Goldenrod) A mass of feathery yellow or golden flowers. Full sun. Flowers in late summer. 3 – 4ft in height. Tall perennial plants
Please note:-
Some garden perennials, plants, shrubs, and trees can be poisonous and also irritating to the skin. When purchasing plants, check and find out if they are nontoxic especially if children and pets use the garden.
Annual Flowers for Delightful Summer Colors
There is a splendid selection of annual flowers to give that splash of strong color in the garden during the summer months, with the exception of winter pansies that flower during the dormant season. You can grow many types of annuals in patio pots, containers and planters especially if you have a small garden, or you can make a lovely display in flowerbeds.

By looking and studying displays of annual flowers and trying new ideas, many home gardeners create some beautiful flower borders by grouping colors together and sometimes using other larger perennial plants as a central feature in the bed.
Standard fuchsias, roses, cordylines, and cannas are sometimes planted as a central feature. Annuals are great for the garden and patio area and there is a wide range of colors to choose from.
Some flowers that are classed and grown as annuals are actually perennials that are not frost hardy. Examples of these annual / perennials are impatiens, geraniums, and coleus.
If you were to dig these plants up and overwinter them in pots in a light frost-free place, you could plant them outside again during the spring and they will grow and flower again. I’ve managed to do this with geraniums. Make sure when planting them out, there is no risk of frost still about.
To prepare your annual flower beds prior to planting, a good digging over will be needed to break up the soil into a fine tilth. Some well-rotted manure, compost or garden peat dug into the planting area is a great addition to improve the soil.
This will increase aeration, will help to hold moisture and provide some nutrients which will help newly planted annual flowers to get established. In addition, slow-release granular fertilizer at the correct application rate should also benefit the plants too.
When planting, have a basic plan of which plants are to be planted where especially if you are planting a border with many different types to make sure you get the color schemes correct.
To plant, simply ease the annual flowers out of their pot or tray. If the plant is root bound, carefully tease the roots apart to help the annual get established once it is planted. Using a hand trowel, dig a hole larger than the root ball. Place the plant centrally in the hole then backfill, lightly firm in and water.
During the growing season, ensure the plants are watered especially during very dry spells. Some gardeners use a liquid feed to help to provide some extra nutrients and aid their growth.
Here Is a List of Some Great Annuals to Grow:-
Decorative sprays of small flowers Various different colors, blue, purple, pink and white. Enjoys the full sun. Height 4 – 25 inches. Summer flowering.
A mass of tiny flowers. Different colors of lavender, pink and white. Enjoys semi-shade and full sun. Ideal for edging borders. Summer flowering. Height, 4 – 7 inches.
Begonia semperflorens
Colours of red, pink or white. Ideal for edging or planted in groups. Will tolerate sun, but prefers semi-shade. Height 6 – 12 inches. Summer flowering.
Begonia (nonstop)
Beautiful double flower. Many different colors. Flowers most of the summer. Enjoys the sun or part shade. Height 8 inches approx.
Different types of Variegated foliage. Green, pink, red, yellow and white. Enjoys semi-shade or full sun. Ideal for the center of the border. Summer foliage plant.
Many different colors, enjoys full sun. Tall annual, good for middle or back of borders. Height 12 – 30 inches. Summer flowering.
Decorative mass of flowers. Colors in red, orange, pink, purple and white. Also bi-colors. Will tolerate dry soils, enjoys full sun. Ideal to group together for lots of colors. Height 10 – 16 inches. Summer flowering.
Many different colors. Prefers semi-shaded area. It can be grouped together for mass color. Height 6 – 14 inches. Summer flowering.
Mass of small flowers. Colors of white, pink and different shades of blue. Enjoys the full sun. Ideal for edging, window boxes, and planters. Height 6 – 10 inches. Summer flowering.
French marigold
Different colors of Red, orange, yellow and bi-color. Good for planters and edging around borders. Enjoys the full sun. Height 6 – 12 inches. Summer flowering.
Many different colors. Tall bedding plant. Best planted in center or back of a border. Enjoys the full sun or semi-shade. Height 2 – 4 ft.Summer flowering.
Many different colors including bi-colors. Enjoys the full sun or semi-shade. Ideal for window boxes and planters. 4 – 10 inches. Summer and winter flowering.
Many different colors including bi-colors. Enjoys the full sun. Ideal for planters and window boxes. 8 – 14 inches. Summer flowering.
Different colors of white, pink, red and purple. Enjoys full sun or semi-shade. Look best grouped together for mass color. Summer flowering.
Many different colors. Enjoys semi-shade or full sun. Plant in the middle of the flower border. Height 6 – 30 inches. Summer flowering annual flowers.
Different colors of pink, red, purple, blue and bi-colors. Enjoys the full sun. Ideal for planters or large pots and is also good for edging around borders. Height 6 – 10 inches. Summer flowering
Please note:-
Some annual flowers, garden plants, shrubs, and trees can be poisonous and also irritating to the skin. When purchasing plants, check and find out if they are nontoxic especially if children and pets use the garden.